Selected Film

The Sky Is Very Pretty

A shelter in southern Mexico offers a safe space for migrant and refugee women and girls. Their experience of migration is marked by different viewpoints and the diverse implications it carries for their lives. 'The Sky Is Very Pretty' explores the contrast between the fear of an uncertain future, the desires of a mother and the joy and dreams of her daughters.

Duration: 00:17:17
Country of Origin: Mexico
Language: Spanish

Director(s): Aracely Méndez

Writer(s): Aracely Méndez

Producer(s): Daniela Contreras, Nicolas Défossé

Key Cast:

Other Credits: Production Company: Terra Nostra Films, Escuela de Cine Documental de San Cristóbal de las Casas; Cinematography: Georgina Leal Gómez; Film editing: Ana Cristina Pérez Megchun, Aracely Méndez; Audio engineer: Magali Caballero, Ana Cristina Pérez Megchun; Sound Design: Martin de Torcy; Music: Osvaldo de Jésus G.; Colourist: Néstor Abel Jiménez Díaz