Selected Film
The documentary "Corpos Invisíveis" addresses the social erasure of black female bodies from the personal and artistic experience of eleven black women, who debate identity, collective memory, ancestry, affections and motherhood. Based on interviews and performances, they assert themselves as political bodies that make their many ways of being, existing and resisting visible, while answering the question: what does it mean to be a black woman in Brazil?
Duration: 01:16:00
Country of Origin: Brazil
Language: English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Director(s): Quézia Lopes
Writer(s): Quézia Lopes
Producer(s): Rossandra Leone, Quézia Lopes
Key Cast: Danielle Anatólio, Thais Ayomide, Bárbara Assis, Flaviane Damasceno, Dani Ornellas, Luana Xavier, Carol Rocha (Dandara Suburbana), Simone Ricco, Camilla Ribeiro, Stephanie Ribeiro, Dandara Barbosa
Other Credits: Art Director: Giulia Maria Reis; Montadora: Ligia Arruda, Livia Goulart; Sound Designer: Raquel Lazaro; Trilha Musical: Sara Negritri, Xênia França, Di Ganzá, Elias Rosa Conceição, Allex Flores, Serena Assumpção, Gilberto Martins