Selected Film
A film student is hired by a grumpy old Frenchman, along with 5 other crew members to help him take a tall ship from Spain to Brazil. In the middle of the ocean, the mistreatment of the captain becomes intolerable, resulting in the crew mutinying and changing the course of the trip, trimming the sails according to the errant wind of the Atlantic Ocean, beginning stories interconnected by ocean currents.
Duration: 01:02:00
Country of Origin: Argentina
Language: Portuguese, Spanish
Director(s): Tobías Cédola
Writer(s): Tobías Cédola
Producer(s): Santiago Biasotti
Key Cast: Luca Fernández Chinigo, Martina Federica Mendaña, Patrick Eymard, Margoni Barreto, Linda Guttenberg, Jhon, Tomas Pérez Figueroa
Other Credits: Music: Santiago Biasotii, Luca Fernandez Chinigo