Selected Film
An Andean Bear and an Afro-Ecuadorian musician named Cotobito venture on a journey to find magical characters to help them fight against mining in the Intag-Ecuador valley.
Duration: 00:05:21
Country of Origin: Ecuador
Language: Spanish
Director(s): Wayra Ana Velásquez
Writer(s): Wayra Ana Velásquez, Segundo Segundo, Luis Bonilla, Gandhy Rubio, Sandy Realpe
Producer(s): Segundo Fuérez, Gandhy Rubio
Key Cast:
Other Credits: PRODUCTION DESIGNER: Wayra Ana Velásquez; Director of photography: Luis Bonilla, Segundo Fuérez; Stop Motion Animation: Segundo Fuérez, Wayra Ana Velásquez, Luis Bonilla; Music: Gandhy Rubio, Raúl Zambrano, Yonny Muñoz, Fabian Fonseca, Jamil Erazo, Joan Pérez Villegas, Cristian Navarro, Fidel Minda, Matias Alvear, Inty Pichamba, Edison Gualotuña; Post production and music mixing: A. Andrade, w. Farinango, C. Jácome