Selected Film

How Do You Spell Amor?

Marta seems to have a love curse. Her love life leaves a lot to be desired, with plenty of exes confirming the old adage Latinas heard growing up: “Better alone than in bad company.” Marta and Liz, her friend; Armed with pumpkins, honey and fragrant potions, they get in touch with their inner witches and accompanied by a good bottle of wine, they carefully prepare a sweet concoction that will bring them the longed-for love. But the "witches" (spells) only work at strange times and places. So, reluctantly, they head to Miami Beach at 5:00 AM, to leave their offerings to the Gods. Will they find what they are looking for? Will that concoction work? Meanwhile they accompany each other.

Duration: 00:15:00
Country of Origin: Puerto Rico
Language: English

Director(s): Aarón Vega Granados

Writer(s): Guelmarí Oppenheimer / Aarón Vega Granados

Producer(s): Elelulu

Key Cast: Guelmarí Oppenheimer

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